Sunday, 28 June 2015

Surround yourself with love

Hey everyone, 

Friendship is so important. To me having a solid group of friends around you is like having a second family. Its not the amount of friends you have or how popular you are but the quality of the friends you do have. I'm lucky enough to have friends in my life that are like my sisters and sometimes I feel like they know more about me and understand me more than I do myself. 

True friendship is so hard to find and I feel lucky that I have people around me who I love with all my heart and are always there if I need them. My friends are like the glue that keeps me together. I think its so important for everyone to surround themselves with positivity and love. Friendships need to be two sided. I've learnt the hard way that sometimes some people you have around you may be having a negative effect on you and bringing you down. If you have people like this around you you need to get rid of them and surround yourself with happiness and love. 

There is a saying that goes 'hard times will always reveal true friends' and I find this so true. If someone doesn't stick by you through your worst days don't let them be there for your best. 

Meg x 

Follow me on social media...
Twitter @xmeganlisa 
Instagram @xmeganlisa

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Cherish every moment

Hey everyone, 

Recently I've had a lot of time to think. After experiences I've been through myself and recent tragedies that have happened I believe that everyone should begin to live the life they want. There are far too many young people taken before their time and it has really shown me that we need to live life to the full and appreciate every day as it comes. 

If you have a dream don't let people tell you that you can't achieve it. Go out and fight for it and prove those people wrong. Take every opportunity that you are thrown and don't live a life of regrets. Aim for the moon and if you miss you will still land among the stars. Have fun, make memories and cherish every moment. You only live once so live the life you've wished for. 

Meg x 

Follow me on social media...
Twitter @xmeganlisa
Instagram @xmeganlisa

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

The world is yours

Hey everyone,

Although i'm a home girl and love being with my mum and two little dogs I have a huge passion for travelling. For as long as I can remember I've loved getting away and seeing new places. I get a thrill from experiencing new things and seeing different cultures and ways of life. 

Over the last 2 years I have done a huge amount of travelling, especially over to the UK which has taught me so many things. I've not only become extremely independent but I pushed myself and have lessened the anxiety I have attached to flying which was a big step for me.

I believe that travelling can open up so many opportunities for everyone. My aim for this time next year is to be living in London, not forever but for some time. I already have a few trips planned over the next few months and I'm so excited to see where my travels will take me this year. I want to hop on a plane with my camera and see the world. The sky is the limit.

Meg x 

Follow me on social media...
Twitter @xmeganlisa
Instagram @xmeganlisa 

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Beginning of a new adventure...

Hey everyone,

My name is Meg and I've recently graduated from 6th year and finished my leaving cert exams. I am about to embark on life and the new path ahead of me. I want to document my journey along the way and bring this blog with me. My passions include Music, Travel, Beauty, Fashion and everything in between which you will see throughout this journey. 

So here we go, June 23rd 2015... a new beginning.

Meg x 

Follow me on social media...
Twitter @xmeganlisa 
Instagram @xmeganlisa