Thursday, 11 August 2016

Its Ok Not To Feel Ok

Hey everyone, 

As you may know from some of my previous posts I am a strong believer in speaking openly about mental health and breaking the stigma surrounding it. I love reading and writing posts about recovery and how it does get better but I also think its important to talk about relapse and the bad days. 

I suffer from Anxiety and Depression and I have for a few years now. In the past 12 months my mental health has improved dramatically but that does not mean the bad days no longer exist. Over the last few weeks I have seen a decline in my mood and mental health. I have began having anxiety attacks more frequently which hasn't been happening for a while and Ive just noticed that in general my mood is a lot lower that it has been. I think in order to try and help this it is important to speak about it, express your feelings and not keep everything bottled up. From previous experiences I know keeping everything bottled up is one of the worst things you can do so this is why I'm writing this post.

Today I had a particularly bad day, one of the worst in a while, I spent 90% of the day alone, crying and having anxiety attacks. I've been feeling very lonely recently and I've been home in Ireland for the last week and a half and as much as I'm loving seeing everyone here I'm just feeling very down. Since moving when I now come back I feel very isolated and I have spent most of the trip so far cooped up in my house or my mums office day after day. Before this trip my mood was low for a few weeks and I presumed I was just homesick and needed a break but now that I'm back and still feeling this way I know its deeper than that. I have been letting a lot of stuff get on top of me recently and not putting my own mental health first anymore and I think this is what has resulted in a massive plummet in my mood and well being. I need to start remembering that my mental health should come before other things because in the end this is what is most important. 

"Why are you writing this" people may ask... well I'm writing this to show people that some days you will sit and cry all day, some days you will just want to stay in bed and some days you could be surrounded by so many people who love you and still feel like the loneliest person in the world, but thats all normal. Everyone has bad days. Relapse is part of Recovery and you most certainly are still recovering no matter what you may think. No ones story is constantly moving uphill, some days you may dip but then you pick yourself back up and continue climbing and thats whats important. If you are having a bad day know that you definitely are not alone. 

Meg xx 

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SNAPCHAT: MegHainsworth

Friday, 8 July 2016

Festival Season: Make Up

Hey everyone, 

As they say save the best until last so for the final post in my festival mini series I'm going to talk all about Make Up!! 

I absolutely adoreeeeee everything about festival makeup! One of the things I love about makeup is how diverse it is. There is no end to the amount of different looks you can create. When I think of Festival Makeup I think, Bright colours, face paint and of course GLITTER!! I have been scrolling through inspiration on pinterest for months and I am just obsessed with everything. I'm loving the trend of delicate white face paint this season, I think it just looks gorgeous, especially with a tan! I'm also a massive lover of a strong, on fleek highlight so of course I LOVE the trend of taking highlighting one step further and putting glitter on the tops of your cheekbones, just fabulous. Everything about festival makeup just gets me so excited. I have been playing around with looks for so long and today I was playing around with my Urban Decay Electric Palette and created a rainbow eye look, perfect for any festival or Pride celebration. It was so much fun to create!! I cannot wait to experiment and do something really colourful and fun for V Fest in August!

Here are some of my favourite festival looks including a couple from the gorgeous Dani Mansutti and Chloe Morton I think these looks are so stunning and make me really excited to try out more festival looks and experiment with glitter and face paint! 

I hope you enjoyed this Festival Mini Series. I really enjoyed doing it for you all and it has just got me more excited about festival season! If you're attending any festivals this summer have a fantastic time! 

Meg xx 

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SNAPCHAT: MegHainsworth

Thursday, 7 July 2016

REVIEW: L'Oréal Elvive Extraordinary Clay Shampoo and Conditioner

Hey everyone, 

Today Im going to talk about something I have absolutely been swearing by for the past month or so! I was going to include it in my June Favourites video over on my Youtube but I decided it needs a whole post to itself. 

The L'Oréal Elvive Extraordinary Clay Shampoo and conditioner are just incredible!!! Before finding these I was chopping and changing with my hair products trying to find the perfect ones. I find this so hard because I suffer from very sensitive skin, especially on my scalp, and as a result of this I suffer from very dry scalp and dandruff sometimes. I never really talk about my sensitive scalp because people seem to think dandruff is dirty etc and its not at all, I wash my hair very regularly, it has nothing to do with cleanliness! So back to my point, I not only need to find a shampoo to help prevent my sensitive scalp and dandruff flaring up, but I also have coloured hair. Finding a shampoo that will both protect my colour from fading and protect my scalp is really difficult. I had been using the L'Oréal Elvive Colour Protect which was fantastic for my colour as you would expect but didn't help my scalp at all. I then tried using both head and shoulders and the colour protect shampoo together but again, it didn't help at all. 

I had heard about the new Extraordinary Clay Shampoos and Conditioners and when I went into boots and saw they were both half price I couldn't help but give them a try! My scalp had been do painful for about 2 months before this and I was willing to try anything to help! As well as my sensitive skin flaring up, my hair was also in one of the worst conditions it's been in for a while. Since dying and bleaching my hair over and over it was starting to suffer the consequences. The ends felt like straw and were just snapping off every time I brushed my hair. It felt so so bad. 

To try and rescue my hair I picked up the L'Oréal Elvive Extraordinary Anti Dandruff Shampoo and the Re-Balancing Conditioner. After only one wash my hair and scalp already felt so much better! I'd had this with a couple of other brands I had tried so I wasn't feeling hopeful that I'd found the perfect products yet, but I stuck it out and kept using them to see if the results lasted, AND THEY DID!!! I could not be happier with the way these products have left my hair. My sensitive scalp has not flared up once since using these products and my hair hasn't felt this thick and healthy in a long time! I am so so happy with the results.Another great thing about these products is that they are Silicone Free. My hairdresser told me before my hair felt so good after using the Elvive Colour protect because my hair was just coated in silicone so I'm really glad that L'Oréal have changed their formulas and removed this. Now I know my hair just feels good, not because its covered in silicone! If you are on the search for a shampoo and conditioner to rescue you hair I definitely recommend trying out the Extraordinary clay range, they are definitely worth it 

Meg xx 

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SNAPCHAT: MegHainsworth

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Festival Season: Clothing

Hey everyone, 

Next up in my mini festival series is Clothing! I've been looking at potential outfits for V fest for months now and I've seen so many things I just adore! Festival season every year has to be one of my favourite fashion seasons, I just adore it!! 

Even in England we feel hopeful the sun may make an occasional appearance so I've been planning outfits for sunshine!! I am a lover of simple but stylish. For me Denim shorts and a crop top, bralette or body suit are the perfect summer outfit and paired with a kimono, or my new favourite pieces and Khaki 'army' style jacket or a lightweight bomber, for a little bit more coverage you can't go wrong! Recently I've also been loving lace up trends and faux suede! I think they add a great bit of detail and dimension to a simple outfit. Here are some of my favourite styles that I will be basing my outfit for V fest on. 

 All of these items can be found on 
What are you favourite styles for festivals? 

Meg xx 

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SNAPCHAT: MegHainsworth

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Festival Season: Hair Styles!

Hey everyone,

As we are now well and truly into festival season I thought that would be a fitting theme to focus on for the next few posts. I absolutely ADORE everything to do with festival style from the outfits to the hair styles and of course the makeup!! I'm going to V Festival in August and I would be lying if I said I hadn't been thinking about all of the above for months, eek! For the first post of this little mini festival series I'm going to focus on Hair! 

I think the trend of Braids is amazing this season!! I've seen so many really cool festival styles using braids and some of them make me miss my long hair *cries*. Having short hair makes it a lot more difficult to do certain hair styles (including braids) but when I went to Birmingham pride at the end of May I put a small dutch braid in the front of my hair and I absolutely loved it! There are so many different ways to work a braid I think it is just a perfect go to style and especially for festivals. If you are camping braids are a perfect style because you can do them on 2nd or even 3rd day hair and just add some texture with a bit of dry shampoo. They are also great if you leave them in over night and then you wake up the next day ready for festival day 2 still with amazing braids!! By adding a simple flower crown or some hair rings you will have your festival look sorted! Here are some of my favourite braid styles I've seen recently and my own I did.  

Of course I just had to include Kylie Jenner who absolutely ROCKED these french rainbow braids at Coachella! 

Fellow Blogger Dominique Nugent from LoveFashionandfros Absolutely killssssss braids!! Here are two amazing looks of hers, for more check out her Instagram where there are so many stunning hair styles! I'm obsessed!!! 

Here's the simple braid I put in my hair for Birmingham pride for you all you short haired girls out there with me!! 

What are your favourite Hair styles to rock at a festival and who do you think has been killing braids recently?? Keep and eye out for more festival posts! 

Meg xx 

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BOOK REVIEW: All The Bright Places By Jennifer Niven

Hey everyone, 

I've really been into reading for the last few months so I thought I would do a little mini series of posts and review some of the books I have been reading. 

The First book I am going to review for you is 'All The Bright Places' by Jennifer Niven. This book is just amazing, thats the only way I can describe it. It gives a really honest insight into mental health and the struggles people face and how different people may deal with it differently. Without giving too much away I'll let you know a little bit about the story. 

The story follows two teens, Theodore 'Finch' and Violet. The two meet on top of the school bell tower, both up there attempting to commit suicide. The pair both suffer from mental illness and this story gives a real insight into their illnesses and suicide. From the bell tower the story follows the teens and the relationship they begin to develop. It is a beautiful and gripping story that had me hooked from the beginning, I laughed, I cried and overall I just adored this book. Usually I go straight into a new book once I've finished the book I'm reading but after this I just couldn't. For days, if not weeks, I was still thinking about this story and the characters and I couldn't take my mind off it. 

If you are looking for a excellently written and eye opening novel that will keep you turning pages this is one for you. Its intelligent, emotional and captivating. I highly highly recommend this book and it may even be my favourite novel I've read in years. 

Let me know if you read it or already have and tell me what you think! 

Meg xx 

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SNAPCHAT: MegHainsworth

Thursday, 23 June 2016

One Year On | Birthday Giveaway

Hey everyone, 

Its crazy to think that a year ago today I started this little blog! When I started it, it was a place I wanted to express my own views and opinions, I never ever expected so many people to read it! 1 Year on it has close to 11,000 page views which is just insane to me! As a thank you for all the support towards my blog over the last year I want to do a little Birthday Giveaway! 

I picked up some of my favourite products and some other items including some stuff I received in birchbox and loved so I got another for you to try!! All you have to do for a chance to win is like my Facebook page (xMeganLisa) and like & share my post about the giveaway! 

The items I am giving away are...

-Spectrum Unicorn Tears Wonder Sponge
-Ps... Makeup Brush Holder 
-Kueshi Foot Care Cream
-Rituals TAO|Wai Wang Mild Exfoliating Body Scrub 
-James Read Sleep Mask Tan Face Overnight Tan 
-Signed Union J You Got It All Album 
-Ps...30pk Individual False Lashes with Adhesive 
-Estee Lauder Pure Colour Lipstick Shade 86 'Tiger Eyes'

Make sure to enter if you want a chance of winning all of these! I will be announcing the winner on June 30th (1 week today!!) 

Thank you again for all the support over the last year and heres to many more! 

Meg xx 

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Thursday, 19 May 2016

This is me.

Hey everyone, 

This post is a little different. DISCLAIMER... this is in NO way for 'attention' I will explain my reasons for doing this throughout the post. I have been trapped inside myself for almost 19 years now and I finally just want to come out (no pun intended) and say it. I'm Bisexual. 

I am doing this as a blog post because I am tired of hiding away. I want to be able to be myself and not worry about who is looking or what people will think of me. I am tired of speculation about my sexuality. I was bullied for years by people saying "you obviously like girls" or "you've never had a boyfriend, you must be a lesbian" etc etc and it really got to me. I always knew I liked girls but I was battling with my own mind and people saying these comments wasn't helping me on the journey to find myself. For the last few years as I've gotten older and I've been thinking more more the battle within myself continued. I tried telling myself that it was just like a "girl crush" that everyone has and deny who I was. I was pushing these feelings away and trying to act like they didn't exist. Recently I've finally been able to fully accept myself for who I am and I want to share myself with everyone else and not hide anymore. This is the real me. Yes I also like girls but what difference does that make? Who I find attractive should have no effect on anyone else. I hate that I've hidden away for so long due to the fear of how I would be treated. Now that I have finally given myself time to be comfortable within myself it is time to put this out there. The reason I am doing this so publicly is because I have a fear. A fear that if I keep this to myself much longer that I will revert back to my old ways and disappear back inside myself denying all my feelings again and thats the last thing I want to happen. I finally want to be able to be happy and open so this is it. Now you all know. 

Speaking from my own experience feeling trapped inside your own mind is an absolutely horrible feeling and my anxiety has been through the roof recently. I want you to know that if you are reading this and you are feeling similar things, whether it be in regards to sexuality or something else, I am here and you can always talk to me if you need a friendly chat or some support. I am not a professional whatsoever I just want to help people feel less alone.

My sexuality does not define me as a person but it is a part of me that I don't want to keep locked away anymore more. 

Meg xx

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SNAPCHAT: MegHainsworth

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Met Gala Fashion Hits & Misses

Hey everyone, 

Last Night the annual Met Gala took place in New York and pictures of everyones outfits have been filling my instagram feed all day so I thought I would go through my favourite styles from last night and some I wasn't loving so much! 

First are the Jenner sisters! Kylie was wearing a gorgeous dazzling gown by Balmain and Kendall was wearing a cut out detail Versace gown. When I first saw it I wasn't too sure on my opinion of Kendall's dress but there is no denying she looks amazing in it! 

Staying in the same family Kim and Kayne were named best dressed couple on the night, Kim in Balmain and Kayne in Fear of God. I personally think Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid could give them a run for their best dressed couple title. Making their red carpet debut they both looked amazing keeping with the Manux X Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology theme. Zayn wore Armour sleeves as he escorted Gigi in a Metallic Bodice with a sheer overlay, both designed by Tommy Hilfiger. Which couple do you think deserved best dressed? 

Someone who's style choices I usually adore is Beyonce but last night her outfit wasn't my cup of tea at all. She wore a nude latex gown by Givenchy.  I must say I'm definitely a bigger fan of her Givenchy gown from last years gala. Beyonce's sister, Solange Knowles, also missed the mark for me. She wore a Yellow ensemble designed by David LaPort and I am not a fan. To me it looks like big bird from sesame street... what do you think?? 

For me Blake Lively was one of the best dressed of the night! She stunned on the red carpet wearing a pink Burberry Gown with Floral detailing. This dress wasn't too much but it was simply gorgeous... Loved!!! 

Two more definite fashion hits for me were Rita Ora wearing an amazing cut out detail, silver, feather gown by Vera Wang, and Nina Dobrev wearing a gorgeous gold number by Merchesa. 

My Final two fashion misses of the night were made by Madonna and Selena Gomez. Madonna wore a sheer, black lace number by Givenchy and I personally don't like it at all I think it was too much (or should I say too little!) I am usually a huge fan of Selena's Red Carpet outfits but I'm not sure what she was thinking last night with this rare fashion fail. She wore a Polka dot Louis Vuitton gown with a leather Bralette on top paired with black lace up boots. One of my least favourite of the night from Selena. 

Who do you think stunned on the red carpet and who were you not loving so much?

Meg xx 

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Leaving Nerves Behind and Setting Goals

Hey everyone,

Since moving to London by myself 5 months ago (wow that time has gone quick!!) I have had to grow up a lot. I have always been an independent person and people always said I was mature beyond my years. I have really had to push this and mature even more since not having my mum to rely on 24/7. Recently I've been setting myself goals and leaving my nerves attached to certain things behind. A major goal for this year is learning to drive. For as long as I can remember I have always said "I'm not going to drive when I'm older". I can remember being around 8 or 9 and being absolutely terrified of driving, of crashing and of all the responsibility that comes with driving, especially when other people will be in the car. Since turning 17 almost so many people have been pressuring me to start driving. I have been terrified to start but as I'm now approaching my 19th birthday I think I finally need to put the nerves behind me and bite the bullet. The longer I leave it the more nervous I think I'll become so in the next few months I'm going to do it. I will learn to drive!! 

If you want to achieve something but are nervous join me and take a leap!

Meg xx 

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Snapchat: MegHainsworth

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Self Doubt

Hey everyone, 

As you may now from my previous post 'Update' I haven’t really been in the right mindset to write blog posts. I set a standard for myself and this means that if I feel like a post I write isn’t up to this standard I won’t post it. 

I went out to dinner with a friend the other night and we had a heart to heart and it made me feel ready to write something and it got me thinking. I am the type of person who takes every little comment to heart. I still think about comments someone may have said to me years ago. A few months back a comment was said about me involving something I am really passionate about and it made me question my passion. I won’t say exactly what it was but it has made me doubt myself so much. I am an incredibly insecure person and unfortunately this means I let things eat away at me and don’t just brush them off. This comment has made me doubt myself so much even to the point where I haven’t written blog posts or filmed certain youtube videos because I feel so insecure. 

Having this blog has made me feel so much more confident in myself. If you asked me a year ago if I would write a blog or make youtube videos and post them for everyone including people who know me to see I would have laughed and told you it would never happen. I want to continue with it to prove people who give me negative comments wrong and because I enjoy it and I shouldn't let other peoples opinions effect that. 

As much as  I wish I wasn't someone who doubted myself so much I am and for now I'm not sure how to change that but I am going to try my best not to let it effect me writing posts anymore. I'm sorry I've been so quiet but thank you for sticking with me. 

Meg xx 

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SNAPCHAT: MegHainsworth

Thursday, 17 March 2016


Hey everyone, 

Sorry I've been quiet recently! I've had a lot going on and really haven't been in the right mindset to write blog post if I'm honest. 
I promise I'll be back to writing posts soon but while Ive been quiet on here I've been posting some videos over on my youtube channel. 

GRWM: Subtle Bronze Eye and Nude Lip
VLOG: Trip to Devon, Sing Alongs and A Car Disaster

Check out the videos I've uploaded and let me know what you think! Please stick with me, Hopefully I'll be back to myself and back posting soon.

Meg xx 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Exploring London

Hey everyone, 

I've been living in London for almost 4 months now and since moving I haven't taken a day just to go explore the city yet. I've been to London so many times before and I've done the whole 'tourist' thing before but today was different because I wasn't exploring a random city, I was exploring the city I live in. I took my camera out on my travels around the city, here are some of the shots I took. 

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